'Souper Saturday':
A magnificent 40 people came to sample the delicious soups and breads
on offer - and a marvellous total of over £200 was raised
for the Village Hall. Thanks everyone!
'Christmas in the Cloisters':
So sorry: we had to cancel - for the first time ever! - because
of the storm warnings.
The Village Hall gallantly
took on rescuing our Christmas celebration. We celebrated in the
warm and dry, with mulled wine and doughnuts - and fairy lights
of course - and lots of chat.
Harvest Supper:
The Village Hall buzzed with chatter, the kitchen glowed with the
fantastic efforts of the cooks - and the 'runners' were kept busy
ferrying all the auctioned items to their new homes. Thanks everyone
for another great evening!
Annual Village Tea in the Joy Mead:
On the 13th July we marked Joy Agnew's birthday
with the annual tea provided in her memory. It was lovely to spend
time with our neighbours and friends, reconnecting with friends
and meeting new Farthingstone residents. A special thanks goes to
all the volunteers and helpers who cooked, baked, prepared and served
on the day: your help and contributions are greatly appreciated.
'James and the Giant Peach' - in the Joy Mead Cloisters:
Thank you to everyone who came and enjoyed
the latest outdoor theatre production by 'White Cobra' in the Joy
Mead. The performance was brilliant, the ice cream delicious and
it was wonderful to see all the children enjoying playing together
round the garden in the interval. Thank you all for supporting Joy
Storytelling evening by 'Feast of Fools': A
first for Farthingstone - an evening of traditional storytelling
by 6 accomplished experts in the ancient tradition. We were transported
effortlessly from ancient Greece to a variation of Grimm's fairy
tales to the wilds of Texas. It was a magical evening with music,
laughter and enjoyment by all involved - plus £473 raised
for the Joy Mead.
Farthingstone Foot Fest 1st June 2024:
See the Farthingstone Foot Fest page (above).
Spring Tidy-up in the Joy Mead: Another
excellent turnout to help get the garden and Cloisters ready for
the summer. Thank you everyone! Lots of very useful jobs achieved
- and a nice social occasion too.
Magic and cocktails evening: A
big 'thank you' to everyone who came along and made the evening
a great success. Most of the alcohol for the cocktails was donated,
as were the canapes, and this helped us to make an excellent profit
of £689 of which £200 has been sent to Parkinsons UK.
Christmas in the Cloisters 2023: What
a lovely social evening, loads of villagers and visitors milling
around the bar and the brazier and the colourful stalls - all in
the magic of the Joy Mead Cloisters. It was very chilly but it was
DRY. And Santa was so busy he almost ran out of presents!
A massive thanks to all our helpers and to
everyone who came and supported us. We raised £1375 for the
Joy Mead which is fantastic!
Celebration of Harvest Oct 2023: A
parade of vintage tractors, a challenging mouse trail, a scarecrow
competition - and a chance to relax and chat in the gorgeous autumn
sunshine. £735 raised for the church. Well done everyone!
Joy Mead 100th birthday celebrations in 2022:
From 'Mr Toad' to Music Hall, from 'Soul Music'
at full volume to the relaxing strains of the wind band, the Joy
Mead was full of music and chat and celebrations.We did celebrate
the 100th birthday of our lovely garden in style and hopefully Joy
would have been proud.
Thank you so much to the amazing team who made
it happen. And thank you to all those who came and donated and bought
raffle tickets (prizes are on their way!). It wasn't the main aim
but we also managed to raise about £2400 for the Joy Mead
which is a fantastic result.
